
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Week Instruction in idec plc Programming

Week Instruction in IDEC PLC

Welcome to YouTube Channel "Geek Nepal," My name is Shuvash Aryal, and I have been learning and implementing various instructions in idec plc for a couple of months now.

Today we will observe and experiment with some "Week Programmer Instructions" in Idec Plc workspace using WindLDR software.

There are mainly 4 different types of Week instructions that we will look into.

FC5A series plc support 2 of the instructions namely WKTBL (Week Table), WKTIM (Week Timer) instructions, whereas FC6A supports 4 of the instructions WKTBL (Week Table), WKTIM (Week Timer), WEEK, YEAR.

The initial value of the WEEK and YEAR is configured the day of the week, on time, off time, and special dates using the dialogue box.

The initial values of the WKTIM and WKTBL are configured using data registers.

What are S1, S2 S3, and D1?

Source one (S1) is a starting data register. (D)

Source two (S2) is and initialization input (m)

Source three (S3) is a number of parameter tabs that would be a constant number.

Destination one (D1) is an output port (Q & M)

For the fixed day and time settings, you don’t need values for S1 and S2 (starting and initialization values). Because the data registers are indirectly specified by configuring on the dialogue box.

S3 uses the 6 bytes of use program region for each parameter.

The output D1 turns on only when the configured day and time matches the current day and time.

It is important to understand that the On and Off settings of the day are allocated as bits in 1 data register.

0 represents the check box not selected, and 1 represents the checkbox enabled.

Bit 0 to bit 6 represents off-setting bits starting from Sunday to Saturday.

Bit8 to Bit 14 represents setting bits starting from Sunday to Saturday.

Bit 7 and Bit 15 are reserved.

The binary values are converted to decimal while displaying the values.

D0 data register is set for a day of the week setting.

D1 is set for On time.

D2 is set for Off time.

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